
There will be no pre-tribulation rapture…

[image credit HDW Wallpapers] [A preparedness article for Christians, other religions, and atheists] Through my seminars and interactions with the preparedness community, I’ve stumbled upon several individuals who identify themselves as Christians, are aware of the continual decline of society, and are not preparing.  Ebola, border breakdowns, economic turmoil, civil wars, Fukoshima radiation, the new […]

Firearms & Tactics Survival

Situational Awareness

The featured video shows an increasing epidemic of how phones are one tool that diminishes our situational awareness.  As our culture evolves, our younger millennial generation is ever more impacted.  Let me help you understand some examples of situational awareness and how you can train your mind:

Cincinnati Ebola

Middletown Ohio Ebola – Hometown Scare

Today, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary finally admitted that there may be other cases of Ebola in the United States.  Well, no shit Sherlock.  At the moment, Federal agencies are balancing the outflow of information.  Too much and there will be panic.  Too little and they will be marked as blatant liars.  On the […]

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