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What’s Happening in ARISE Church!?

Arise Church is a popular mega Christian church in the New Zealand area.  Many in NZ are familiar with this church as they have broad social networking with other mega churches such as PlanetShakers.  Although I was not familiar with this church, my good friend Tony at AMinutetoMidnite prophecy channel picked up on their latest July 2018 ARISE conference.  The symbolism coming out of this Arise Church conference is shocking to say the least.

What’s with the symbolism, John?

John Cameron is the lead pastor at Arise church.  It turns out that he saw Tony’s video, and proceeded to mock it as another crazy Christian’s perspective on “triangles and eyes”.

arise church conference

Do you think it’s innocent Triangles?

For all of us who have been studying occult symbolism of the elites, hollywood and the anti-christ spirit, do you think Arise Church is only meddling in innocent symbols?  My rebuttal to arise, is that even if you thought “one eye” inside of a triangle is a simple trend, why would you align yourselves with the trend of hollywood?  We know the all seeing eye symbolism is pervasive all throughout the evil circles of hollywood.  Why would you want to follow that trend?

But sadly, we know that this is not a simple “trend”.  As we discuss in this video, the pyramid and the all seeing eye dates all the way back to Egyptian times.  It truly is the new babylonian religion of Nimrod’s time coming back in preparation for the end times.

We are closer than ever!

Through my observations over the years, when you see some questionable symbolism, like that of arise church, you’ll inevitably find more occultism.  It is like we are auditors, finding a bit of disturbing symbolism and pulling the string to reveal more.  This is not to say we should be consumed by conspiracy and treat fellow Christians as infiltrators.  However, the bible instructs us to “test everything”.  And when you have a litmus test that yields these types of images, you absolutely have the right to question whether this church is preaching the true Gospel.

Join me and Tony as we discuss this conference in detail.  The results are shocking!

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